G Env options

It might be useful to have a few extras added to the G Env, like a snap to grid, also a save function to save and reload the envelope. Maybe the “grid” size could change also, depending on how many points are used. Also, more points. 16 points is pretty good, but more would be cool.br
The G Env is so cool, I’d like another! Maybe it could have 2 tabs at the top, for Env 1, and then Env 2 on the next tab. Then it wouldn’t take up more space on the UI.br
Another addition that would be nice is if ANA could cycle through a certain amount of the waveforms over a period of time, like a wavetable type of thing.br

Only 2 G-ENV Tabs? I need more than that. I do agree we need more G-ENVs. What would be cool is the ability to switch from one target to another and have independent G-Envs shapes, amount, rate for each target running simultaneously. For example, targeting the filter with a custom G-env and rate and then switching the G-env target to an FX or LFO and using a different custom env and different rate. The FILTER env is still active with its own shape and running independent from the LFO g-env which has its own shape, and FX g-env with its own shape, etc. I could find this very useful in programming and would love to see this sort of feature. I believe IL Harmor has this capability. Also +1 on being able to save env shapes as presets.

"What would be cool is the ability to switch from one target to another and have independent G-Envs shapes"br
I came here to post this suggestion so I’ll second yours.