Garry Heaney - "THE VIPER" (BOXER Remix) progressive trance

Garry Heaney - THE VIPER - BOXER Remix (sample clip) by BOXER (dj & producer)

Let me know what you guys think. Its my first remix.

I Was so excited when i got asked to remix this track in the style of my last track SANI, and especially when its going to be released on a big label! good times! :slight_smile:

****in beltin remix mate!!! :slight_smile:

good luck with getting it signed :slight_smile:

cheers mate. Just heard that its been signed to Enhansed Recordings! good times :slight_smile:

Nice tune man :smiley:

great track mate, nice melody and phat sounds

well done


cheers guys.


like the vibes to some of your stuff dude. very michael cassette. :slight_smile:

Love it :slight_smile:

Woaaa… good job! Like others mentioned, the melody and harmonies work great. I could hear this on ASOT for sure!

good stuff!

Thanks a lot. really excited for the release. Ive never had a track released to a big label before :slight_smile:

good work, great track