Get The 'Hans Bouffmyre' Sound

Does any one know how to get the atmosphere that hans bouffmyre gets in his tracks,

to me it sounds like a lot of thin textures and reverb, i dont know if thats jus the sound you get from the reason reverb.there also seems to be a constant or looping reverb/atmospheric pad playing through out a lot of his tracks…

01 Hans Bouffmyhre - Goodbye Anxiety PREVIEW CLIP by Hans Bouffmyhre

08 Hans Bouffmyhre - Release Me PREVIEW CLIP by Hans Bouffmyhre

Hello,any1 out there…?

i think it is a bit like how you explained yourself…

I interested in others opinion too :slight_smile:

If some one post a particular track it may help

[quote]slender (15/06/2011)[hr]If some one post a particular track it may help[/quote]

HA HA!!!

can you not see the 2 tracks posted…! or is this jus gona be another post ruined with a loads of tracks posted n trash talk…

LOL I did not see that - my bad

[quote]slender (15/06/2011)[hr]LOL I did not see that - my bad[/quote]

Should of gone to specsavers!:hehe:

[quote]Mussi81 (15/06/2011)[hr][quote]slender (15/06/2011)[hr]LOL I did not see that - my bad[/quote]

Should of gone to specsavers!:hehe:[/quote]

Beleive it or not I did and waiting for my nw specs

[quote]slender (15/06/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (15/06/2011)[hr][quote]slender (15/06/2011)[hr]LOL I did not see that - my bad[/quote]

Should of gone to specsavers!:hehe:[/quote]

Beleive it or not I did and waiting for my nw specs[/quote]

as someone who knows go somewhere else mate ;)

sorry this is a bit of topic :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Cut-Off (15/06/2011)[hr]can you not see the 2 tracks posted…! or is this jus gona be another post ruined with a loads of tracks posted n trash talk…[/quote]

in actual answer to your question - im not sure tbh mate

hopefully someone a bit more knowledgable than me will get round to answering

love his stuff tho!

C/O - Can you do a X:XX at whatever point the particular sounds are that you are interested in Starts / Finishes?


I wear glasses now too… too many years stuck infront of computer screens in work… and home :w00t:

Love this ad:

<EMBED height=349 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=560 src=- YouTube allowfullscreen=“true” allowscriptaccess=“always”>

Make a sound or get a sound remove the lows, push it back into the mix and mix reverbs send reverbs the your returns add phasers or chorus for modulation

Is that tried n tested or a wild guess…?

[quote]Cut-Off (16/06/2011)[hr]Is that tried n tested or a wild guess…?[/quote]

Tell you what here is a wild idea why not try it out yourself

Seems like you want everything on a silver plate fella

[quote]slender (16/06/2011)[hr][quote]Cut-Off (16/06/2011)[hr]Is that tried n tested or a wild guess…?[/quote]

Tell you what here is a wild idea why not try it out yourself

Seems like you want everything on a silver plate fella[/quote]

not a tall slender…have tryed it and it was no where near…! hence asking if it was a wild guess,cos again folk like you are ruining these posts with bull****…

[quote]Cut-Off (16/06/2011)[hr][quote]slender (16/06/2011)[hr][quote]Cut-Off (16/06/2011)[hr]Is that tried n tested or a wild guess…?[/quote]

Tell you what here is a wild idea why not try it out yourself

Seems like you want everything on a silver plate fella[/quote]

not a tall slender…have tryed it and it was no where near…! hence asking if it was a wild guess,cos again folk like you are ruining these posts with bull****…[/quote]

Funny that as thats how i get some off my similar sounds

Try again

What sound you’s talkn about boy…?