[quote]mervyn (08/11/2012)[hr]Philjohnston i have never posted a link before from any site so it would be my first but i will get some help with that although you could tell how its done i was on sonic today i did the beginners tutorial i still have yet to finish, phil no remote support something you should look in to i listened to the class take me away he killed it, make me wonder how good those artist are and why am so poor at making music, i almost pawned my gear for a 3d tv but did not in the end.[/quote]
He’s been making music for years man. This is something that takes time its not going to happen over night
Phil thanks sonic academy for letting me join i paid for three months ends in december but if have spare money floating about i may renewal although its winter again and things have slowed right down because of the cold funny it happened like that last time i joined i did not get far but i did learn new things and think the tutorials are great the site is good but money is tight i have not touched the ableton still i will try to do something i wanted to join live courses with rob jones i think i will when i save for it long time when i have cash again i will join sonic again untill then am signed up untill december thanks phil.