Mixing, editing, recording and mastering have now become a common thing when the musical tracks are created. It is beyond doubt that mastering is helpful. When the tracks are mastered, they are given a professional touch. The sounds become sweeter and louder. The mastering engineer, who performs the mastering services, knows his job through years of mastering experience. The pair of trained ears directs him to tweak the sound, wherever required. The engineer listens to the track and finds out the deficiencies, which otherwise, go unnoticed by the recording engineer. When recording is done, the recording engineer listens to the track, numerous times. This makes him unable to notice certain nuances that need correction. In such a situation, when the track is sent for mastering, which also happens to be the final stage, the master engineer does a world of good to the audio. The mastering engineer works on the tracks in his studio, which comprises of the latest equipments in the mastering arena. These include the compressor, equalizer and the other mastering devices. Mastering is necessary, if the track has to make a mark in the professional industry. This is apparent when the tracks are played on a commercial medium like the radio. A track sounds amateurish if it is not mastered. Mastered tracks can be played on any medium and not just on the medium on which it was built. This gives the tracks a professional edge over the others. The finesse offered through music mastering services make the track complete and also provides clarity and loudness to the tracks.
[url=http://www.sageaudio.com/]Sage Audio | Online Mastering Service | Free Sample Of Your Song
if your gonna spam with a load of waffle to direct people to your site/ service
you should at least use some spacing so that people can actually be bothered to read all the way thru to your link at the bottom!
took me 3 attempts
i only kept going cos i was looking to see what the question was as the first bit all just seemed like an obvious statement
makes princess pops posts seem clever
[quote]chekka (18/07/2011)[hr]if your gonna spam with a load of waffle to direct people to your site/ service
you should at least use some spacing so that people can actually be bothered to read all the way thru to your link at the bottom!
took me 3 attempts
i only kept going cos i was looking to see what the question was as the first bit all just seemed like an obvious statement
makes princess pops posts seem clever[/quote]
LOL I was going to post something similar but could not be arsed this morning - they have also posted on other sites too
Only saying princes poops seems clever is overstretching it though :hehe: