Good enough to Demo?

Hey guys,

This is the first tune I’ve made in logic 9, I would really appreciate some feedbaxk, however critical, everything appreciated. I realise the track needs mastering but what else?



i really like it dude!

one thing though, maybe its my speakers… but i think (to me) the plucks/stabs sound abit loud?

apart from that i think its great. excellent work. sounds very professional. :wink:

btw where did you get the female vocal sample from? i think ive seen that movie :smiley: :smiley:

Cool, glad you liked it man, I think you could be right about the stabs, seems to be one of my many problems, putting my favourite elements to big in the mix.

Ha Ha, as for the vocals, let’s just say that’s another little hobby of mine.

I don’t see why you can’t get this signed :slight_smile:

Go on beatport, juno, track it down ect and listen to as much house as you can, any tracks you think are similar in style to your’s make a note of the label its on. Track it down is great for this as it has a ‘similar labels’ tab so you can find a lot on there. Once you have a list of about 30-40 (yeah that many!) first see if they have a sound cloud drop box. This is the easiest way to get labels to hear your tunes. Most other will have emails and only a few will want you to send a CD. Hope thats helpful, good luck :smiley:

Cheers Dude, so you think it’s worthy of signing?

Sounds ready to me although it might be nice to include one more twist in the track somehow to keep full interest through the whole six and a half minutes.

The Pornstar Tribute - Danny Cueball Taylor by Danny ‘Cueball’ Taylor

To answer your question Yes definatly worth a demo :smiley:

Cheers mate, it’s probably a stupid question, but what’s the next move, like email a link to a load of labels or something, how does the getting signed thing work?