Hi guys! This is my first upload to sound cloud and I would like your opinions on it. Like the description says, give me your worst. I need all of the criticism I can get so I can only get better. Mastering was a huge issue for me, which is probably why when I listen back through a cell phone full volume it sounds like it’s going to shatter the screen haha.
pretty nutts!
lots of cool ideas in there.
for me its a bit over compressed.
I also think you should think about getting the phrases more repetitive in smaller chunks. At times it sounds like a bunch of random phrases joined together with no cohesion.
If you listen to a skrillex track for example… he maybe has 2 main bits that just repeat with subtle variations but the 2 bits are quite different with stand out moments.
It sounds like your has lots of variations on the same theme but nothing that is the main bit (chorus) that is a repeating at the key moments.
This also makes it sound like its the same energy level throughout… you want sections that are really just lead ups to the main pay off (verses)
then you have your whopper build up in the middle (middle 8)
a common structure would be something like V-C-V-C-M8-C-C
Thanks for the response Phil! And I know exactly what you mean about the phrases being incredibly random, but there is actually a reason for that. I secretly recorded two of my female friends saying random stuff, and I gave one of them the song for her birthday, so I never actually had a straight coherent phrase except for the “I don’t know how to be sexy” part haha. It was a very tough project turning their voices into instruments and getting the vocals to sound clear enough, but hey it was fun!
Also, what do you mean by “V” and “C” in your diagram when referring to the 2 different phrases example you mentioned? This is probably an embarrassing question haha.
Once again, thanks for your feedback. It really does help out a lot. That’s kinda why I joined this site ha:hehe:
When im talking about phrases im referring to sections off the track to teh actual vocals.
If you listen to like a skrilllex track or most other top producers they have a quite similar stucture that follows classic pop song structure.
normally verse-chorus-verse-chorus-middle 8-chorus-chorus
or something similar…
with dance music you dont necessarily get verses and chorus per say but you do generally have different phrases that you can use a sudo verse/chorus to give you track a better sense of structure.
e.g. Skrillex - bangarang (could be any track i just really like the use of repetitive phrases in it)
intro (verse)
Chorus (4 Phrases)
Chorus (4 slightly Different Phrases)
Middle 8 (something a bit different we haven’t heard yet)
verse (build)
Chorus (4 phrases (mix of chorus 1+2)).
i agree with phill. its very nice but some parts really makes no sense and some parts of the song has soo many things going on at once or seem to have soo alot of things going on at once.