Got another remix request!

From the label I signed my 1st track too! Seems like things are starting to happen… I hope I get some gigs or something when all is done! :slight_smile:


contrats brotha!

by the way, did the counter with the $500 offer come back yet?

Ongoing - looks like this guys is a new one man band small time label with very little cash flow.

I wont be signing my track to him but will still do the remix - he offered he 100% of remix income which is very strange but he said its to show commitment to me and my work…

I told him I’m not taking 100% and leave it at 70% - benefit of the doubt and you never know, if his label takes off he may become a good connection.

I think I’ll sign my track to my existing label providing they up the % from the last one as they are including it in a compilation (still to see the terms on this but it the 7th volume of the series) + they are giveing me remix work (again still to see terms).

Unless of course a bigger label comes along - demos only out for a week! :slight_smile:

[quote]gofunk (07/10/2010)[hr]From the label I signed my 1st track too! Seems like things are starting to happen… I hope I get some gigs or something when all is done! :)[/quote]

that is where the money is bro . the gigs ;). Congratulations :smiley: