I know its easy to extract a groove from a piece of audio in ableton and apply that to another track i may be working on but is there any way that i can extract the velocity variations from a drum loop and apply those to a loop or Midi section.
When i listen to live drums playing there are so many natural variations in the loop that its almost impossible to copy in a piano roll.
You would do it the same way. In Live, you need to extract the groove from the clip. That will record the timing and velocity of the clip you are working with. From there, you can drag it into any other clip and the timing and the velocity will be where you want it to be.
ableton extracts the velocity variations… you just need to turn the velocity slider up in the groove pool.
can this be achieved in cubase?
ableton does this, just copy drag the groove to an empty midi track, you’ll have the midi in the piano roll all in C and will have the velocity variations
[quote]jpgetty2win (18/06/2010)[hr]can this be achieved in cubase?[/quote]
that is a good question . i was wondering the same thing too .what i usually do to copy the velocity is to see the wav file and edit the Velocity in real time . but yeahh it would be nice to have a velocity preset already
[quote]jon_fisher (18/06/2010)[hr]I know its easy to extract a groove from a piece of audio in ableton and apply that to another track i may be working on but is there any way that i can extract the velocity variations from a drum loop and apply those to a loop or Midi section.
When i listen to live drums playing there are so many natural variations in the loop that its almost impossible to copy in a piano roll.[/quote]
One thing that I do, especially on Hats, is do the Humanize function in Logic.
Anyway - FK Velocity variations! Keep it in the Red Babayyyy!
I know in Logic, Score to Midi or whatever… you get the velocity variations, but its a bit all over the place unless you know whats happening. Live is pretty cool for what your looking for.
Must check if Logic applys Veloc info in that way…
[quote]howiegroove (18/06/2010)[hr]You would do it the same way. In Live, you need to extract the groove from the clip. That will record the timing and velocity of the clip you are working with. From there, you can drag it into any other clip and the timing and the velocity will be where you want it to be.[/quote]
thanks howard
[quote]phil johnston (18/06/2010)[hr]ableton extracts the velocity variations… you just need to turn the velocity slider up in the groove pool.[/quote]
thanks phil didn’t even think of that