Hard Dance Tutorial?

I though I’d ask if there would be any chance of a tutorial along the lines of Hard House or Hard Dance. I know not everybody goes for this genre but I thought I’d put to SA.

Best Examples I can give would be:

Defective Audio / Marc Johnson

Defective Audio & Marc Johnson - Something Ugly - YouTube

Paul Glazby

Paul Glazby (Beautiful) - YouTube

Paul Maddox

- YouTube

and Ilogik

- YouTube

yep good call

also add nick sentience to that list lol

Hard Dance tutorial please:D

if it was to be nick sentience or Bk then i would be + 1 for these everyone else in hard dance are just sounding tooooo 10 years ago :slight_smile:


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[quote]jon_fisher (8/29/2009)[hr]if it was to be nick sentience or Bk then i would be + 1 for these everyone else in hard dance are just sounding tooooo 10 years ago :)[/quote]

Fair point Jon, showing my age I guess :cool: I was going to post both of them but BK seems to have veered into Tech-Trance territory which I thought was pretty much covered in a couple of the SA tutorials and Nick Sentience is more into the Psy-Trance area so it’s nearly a different thing all together (for me anyway). But yeah, something along those lies would be great.

I’ll post up a separate HTSL thread.

I’d also like a Hard House tutorial but after a recent trip to Ibiza my eyes (and ears) have been truly opened to new things.

So no rush :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]costa093 (9/1/2009)[hr][quote]jon_fisher (8/29/2009)[hr]if it was to be nick sentience or Bk then i would be + 1 for these everyone else in hard dance are just sounding tooooo 10 years ago :)[/quote]

Fair point Jon, showing my age I guess :cool: I was going to post both of them but BK seems to have veered into Tech-Trance territory which I thought was pretty much covered in a couple of the SA tutorials and Nick Sentience is more into the Psy-Trance area so it’s nearly a different thing all together (for me anyway). But yeah, something along those lies would be great.

I’ll post up a separate HTSL thread.[/quote]

yeah tech trance was covered really well so maybe stay away from those guys lol, it was only two years ago i was listening to these guys thinking they seem to still be pushing it forward in the hard dance side of things.

we probably also have to totally different ideas of what hard dance is lol, to me hard dance covers hardcore, nrg, hard house, hard trance, fin nrg, psy nrg, and the full on tech trance stuff

I was a big fan of the Nukleuz label a while back when they had BK and Nick Sentience at the helm release-wise. The Blue and Purple sub-labels were what got me into the harder sound (moving up from trance) as they really crossed the different genres (techno, psytrance, hard house) together perfectly. It was a smooth transition for me into hard dance. The stuff they used to release still sounds fresh today as it did back then.

Before that it used to be the really bouncy stuff which I could never get my head around but thankfully that disappeared near enough with the above. I never minded a hoover or two it was just the ‘bounce’ that really used to throw me off.

I think that’s why I’m anxious for a psy-trance orientated tutorial somewhere down the line as a lot of the techniques used to make it can be incorporated into other genres of production and the actual end results from artists who already do it are really good.

Obviously there’s Nick Sentience as a good example.

Far Too Loud use similar techniques for their breaks productions as I think one of the group actually produces or used to produce psy-trance on the side. A track they did called ‘Shredder’ is really good although I don’t have a YouTube link to post.

Eskimo recently had a few out which were really good in terms of production quality (The way this guy works the vocals and effects in his tracks is brilliant). There’s a few D&B artists out there who do it, but can’t remember the names at the minute.


Eskimo - Balloonatic Part 1 / My Rave - YouTube


Nick Sentience (Nukleuz)

- YouTube

Nick Sentience (More Recent)

- YouTube

Far Too Loud

- YouTube

cool examples bud. i was very much into the hard dance scene. i don’t mind the occasional hoover but most of the tracks around these days are the same hoover sound repeated for 6 mins lol. i got into hard house when it was back in its skippy days (almost like funky house) started going off when the doink bassline was introduced.

these days i mostly play house but still enjoy 85 percent of the music i hear, its only really the Cascada and basshunter stuff that i really can’t stand. don’t ask me why i don’t like them as they seem to be popular but they just make me cringe when i hear them :slight_smile:

i used to play hard house/dance 10yrs ago and BK was one of my favourite producers but in the end i stopped playing it around 02 cause hardhouse got to mickey mousey and some dire records were been released cashing in on the popularity  back then but BK and NUKLEUZ were constistantly good and i used to play a lot of there records and i think most of there stuff still sounds just as good today its not really my scene anymore but where i live the whole hard dance scene is getting really big again after dying down yrs ago and from the stuff i’ve heard recently has been really good so i’d deffo be up for a hard dance tutorial especially if its a BK and NICK SENTIENCE one:D

[quote]chris17 (9/7/2009)[hr]i used to play hard house/dance 10yrs ago and BK was one of my favourite producersbut in the end i stopped playing it around 02 cause hardhouse got to mickey mousey andsome dire records were been released cashing in on the popularityback thenbut BK and NUKLEUZ were constistantly good and i used to play a lot of there records and i think most of there stuff still sounds just as good today its not really my scene anymore but where i live the whole hard dance scene is getting really big again after dying down yrs ago and from the stuff i’ve heard recently has been really good so i’d deffo be up for a hard dance tutorial especially if its a BKand NICK SENTIENCE one:D[/quote]

It has come back in recent years with a few new artists really pushing the boundaries. If I had to see a BK tutorial I would go for something along the lines of the collaborations with Dave Randall, ‘Ascension’ was a great track in it’s day. There isn’t really any I can fault from the ‘Klub Kollaborations’ album he released on Nukleuz.

[quote]jon_fisher (9/7/2009)[hr]cool examples bud. i was very much into the hard dance scene. i don’t mind the occasional hoover but most of the tracks around these days are the same hoover sound repeated for 6 mins lol. i got into hard house when it was back in its skippy days (almost like funky house) started going off when the doink bassline was introduced.

these days i mostly play house but still enjoy 85 percent of the music i hear, its only really the Cascada and basshunter stuff that i really can’t stand. don’t ask me why i don’t like them as they seem to be popular but they just make me cringe when i hear them :slight_smile:


You must mean the Trade era or hard house then when you say funky or along those lines. It’s before my time so I’m guessing on this, but going by what you describe I’d say you were Steve Thomas / Tony De Vit era of Hard Dance. Plenty of people I clubbed with always told me those were the best times, so I always found it a shame I never got to experience them.

Likewise I’m open to all genres. I think what I’m looking for mostly in a future tutorial is really the effects and more complex techniques shown in the examples I gave (especially Eskimo with the twisted vocals and synth work). Something that could be used in any genre and also be beneficial to everyone who produces. The 'Hard Dance 'suggestion is really my own personal taste so I’m pushing for Nick Sentience or Eskimo myself… :cool: