Have you ever felt sometimes that

times goes by and u think about having a real Job like everyone else?

whenever i doubt about my Skills or worry about my Music . i get to listen to some of the Dj mixes and tracks i made before. and i remember again why i choose this Hobby as a job .

and then I don’t give a f%$k about what people think about my career .

I just learned that you need to have so much faith on what you do , and never try to quit with out a fight . especially when you feel down . it is a test of life, man up Aline and Fight !! lol

Never Give up Bitches !!!

good luck everyone with your Music and shows for this 2012.

No because I have a real job you lazy fcker :D:P

[quote]slender (09/01/2012)[hr]No because I have a real job you lazy fcker :D:P[/quote]


[quote]alinenunez (09/01/2012)[hr]

I just learned that you need to have so much faith on what you do , and never try to quit with out a fight . especially when you feel down . it is a test of life, man up Aline and Fight !! lol

Never Give up Bitches !!!

good luck everyone with your Music and shows for this 2012.


Very true mate and good luck too you - you more than most :P:w00t::slight_smile:

[quote]slender (09/01/2012)[hr][quote]alinenunez (09/01/2012)[hr]

I just learned that you need to have so much faith on what you do , and never try to quit with out a fight . especially when you feel down . it is a test of life, man up Aline and Fight !! lol

Never Give up Bitches !!!

good luck everyone with your Music and shows for this 2012.


Very true mate and good luck too you - you more than most :P:w00t::)[/quote]

Thanks P. i know you will quit your Day Job to make more Trance heheh

I think the prefect solution is getting a Job that relates to your hobby… like music store, Computer store or anywhere you get stuff cheap that you use in your hobby.

you get experience plus cheap gear.

Working in a music store for 3 years was the most important thing i ever did.

The amount of contacts (industry & other Musos) was 100% the jumping off point for everything else that followed.

Also in a music store you get to make tunes all day and say you are putting together “demos”

[quote]phil johnston (09/01/2012)[hr]Also in a music store you get to make tunes all day and say you are putting together “demos”[/quote]

Now there’s a plan :wink:

Mo’money - Mo’problems. Fact.

Money isnt everything… possessions arent everything.

I’ve had nothing - then LOADS of money… then had nothing again… then had LOADS of money… then became a Student (worse than a tramp - lol).

It lets you do what you wanna do, but theres a trade off.

To be happy in life, you have to get the balance right between your:

Love life (family, friends, partner… mistress… :wink: )

Dream life (ambitions, what you need to achieve, what makes you happy)

Work life (what you need to do to pay the billz)

If any of those get too much of your time, the others suffer & you are one step closer to the graveyard my friend - so watch out man :wink: lol

Thats what I’ve learned. Its about living a good fkn life & not mugging yourself. Making peace with your sillier decisions & taking the rest of your life by the scruff of the neck. Whatever you do Aline (or your missus makes you do… hahaha) will be the right thing.

Whipppppp! :smiley: :smiley:

[yes J4 you can post this on other sites]

ICN is a hippy :slight_smile:

Murderer ;) :D

[quote]ICN (09/01/2012)[hr]Murderer ;):D[/quote]

Now thats just a hobby not a vocation :wink:

yeah having a real job sucks as you get no time to make music, which is why I’m hardly on theses days. But then having a real job pays, its all a big balancing act but I love money so gotta work hard. I’ve been in the office from 8am till 7pm today and will be all week. If I’m lucky I might get sat & sun in the studio once every 2 or 3 weeks! :frowning:

I have expensive taste however!

Get a real job and give me my tax back you lazyer feckers! ha! lol :wink:

[quote]slender (09/01/2012)[hr] I have a real job you lazy fcker :D:P[/quote]

LOL!! me too:(:crying:

When i was younger i actually had a chance to work at a Music Tech shop, i didnt take it cos it was like an hours drive just to get there, but i still kinda regret it tbh.

But i think everyone that does this at our level has another job and if they dont then i dunno how they live.

I think it also helps if you look like it as a hobby instead of life or death.

[quote]jjdejong0 (12/01/2012)[hr]When i was younger i actually had a chance to work at a Music Tech shop, i didnt take it cos it was like an hours drive just to get there, but i still kinda regret it tbh.

But i think everyone that does this at our level has another job and if they dont then i dunno how they live.

I think it also helps if you look like it as a hobby instead of life or death.[/quote]

how old are you Jan . i wonder ?

It was when he was an Embryo Aline :slight_smile: