Having Additional default skins for ANA 2.5 would be awesome

Greetings everyone; I hope you all have a wonderful day or evening :grinning: I finished ANA 2.5 manual recently and been tweaking this amazing soft synth and making different patches. I love the features and it’s interesting to work with but I find myself constantly switching between it’s skins everyday, and the reason I’m writing this topic is that ANA has become my new go to synth and I have to deal with changing skins every time I work with it. the white one is very bright and irritates the eyes and because of this sometimes I lower the display monitor brightness level to be able to continue working with ANA and the black skin is too dark that I can see the parameters with difficulty.
I wonder if there were some additional official ANA 2.5 skins available for download to solve this issue. I know there are some creative people in community that have created custom skins but I prefer having the official ones somehow. If they’re not available now that would be great having more skins in the future. I appreciate all the work anyway.
Thank you for reading and Thanks to Sonic Academy for their amazing work and services.

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Thanks for the good words about ANA 2, happy to hear that you’re enjoying the synth ! :wink:

Yeah, it should be something for SA team to look into in the future :+1:

From this Blog Article :

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Thank you so much for responding! so happy to hear this regarding skins! can’t wait to see ANA get even better to be honest! I’m in love with it :grinning:

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