Interesting - i needed some new headphones for my iPod, and decided on the Klipsch x10’s.PWhen i got them last night, noticed that they quote the frequency response goes down as low as 5hz!/PPI put this down to marketing bollocks - as i thought you can’t hear anything below about 30Hz - and i thought that the only thing that can produce frequencies below about the 30Hz mark, is club soundsystem speakers and subwoofers?/PPCan headphones produce really low sub-bass, because of the way they can ‘trap’ or ‘deflect’ bass frequencies off the ear-canal for example, which speakers can’t do?/PPBit confused about this now - who knows lots about this?
doing 5 hz isnt hard you just have to move something 5 times a second… its the amount of power at 5hz is the important thing…and im guessing there is in
also below around 20hz you are really only feeling bass so i have no idea why this would be useful in a pair of headphones anyway.
But what confuses me is - don’t you have to create long soundwaves to have a sound that is at the frequency of 5Hz?/PPI thought that was why you needed 8 inch cones or larger on speakers in order to get frequencies below about 30Hz?/PPSo how can an in-ear headphone, that is really small and has really small parts only, possibly produce soundwaves that are big enough to be at 5Hz?/PPThis is what i don’t understand?
Interestingly - you can ‘feel’ the bass more with these headphones - it’s a kind of ‘rattling’ energy inside your head, a ‘boom’ - as you can tell from my description of it - it’s not necessarily all that pleasant and maybe not such a good thing!/PPIt’s nice to have lots of bass, especially when you love dance music as much as us - but not sure it’s a good thing to have too much of it in a tiny in-ear headphone?/PPSeems a bit unnatural, forced and artificial to me!
its pointless that some manufactures simply quote the frequency range, it tells you nothing useful about the performance of the headphones. they might as well not state anything!!
And to take that even one step further - when these headphones arrived and it stated the frequency range as going down to 5Hz - it actually put me off the product, as i kind of got the impression they were more interested in marketing hype, rather than marketing the product at serious audiophiles who probably know better!