Help with reverse bassline settings

hey i was wondering if anyone that has massive could make a simple reverse bassline patch just to show me how the cutoff and amp settings are set to get a bassline sound like this

Kidd Kaos & Tone - Closer - YouTube

I dont care about the actual sound just the way of setting up a synth so that it will make a reverse bassline

didi you check out the bass videos in the hard dance course?

also check tech tip 68… not exactly what your after but shows all the same techniques with a different sound

ok i will check them out and yeh i have seen the hard dance one but standard side-chained basslines isn’t quite the sound im after.

on a different topic wondering what you use as a midi keyboard im looking for something that would be really similar to a piano so you could play hardstyle melodies on it properly the midi keyboard i have atm is not very responsive and no weighted feel so wondering if you have come across something that you like? any chance you can help with a bassline sounding like this reverse basslines are massive in hardstyle i just cant for the life of me get it sounding like theres I know how to make a normal hard dance bassline but not reversed sounding ones