Hi everyone, I am a rookie producer , started like 6 months ago and today I saw the videos about how to create progressive house music from sonic academy and I am wondering if anyone knows where I could download free or with payment any swings? I use ableton suite 8 but it has none I searched the whole lybrari
Hey Steven
I haven’t checked that tutorial out yet but I’m guessing they added swing or groove to the beat right? Well in the latest Ableton version they changed the name from swing to groove. You should have a groove pool dialogue box on the lower left of your screen. Now look at the top left of the software screen. There are a bunch of icons - a triangle, a plug etc. One of them is a folder with a number 1 in it. Click that and you’ll see a bunch of sub folders. One of them is labelled Grooves. You’ll find loads of groove or swing settings in there. Drag them into the Groove Pool box and you can apply them to your beats. Have fun.
Yeah you can do that ^^^
Or click on the wave icon on the left, then right click in that box. That should have opened your groove pool and your groove library.
Some good info an this site to
ah, it was kind of a roundabout route to get there wasn’t it? oh well
just like me, to make it harder than it should be.