I cant turn my v station of legato I think its call, u know, when it will only play one key at a time, I cant play a chord! anyone help please!! please!!
Go to the “Extras” tab on V-Station… on the left hand side you’ll see a “voice mode” area with some lights above it for setting “mono”, “mono ag”, “poly 1”, and “poly 2” - just select one of the “poly” modes and you’ll be able to play several notes at once. The difference between poly 1 and 2 is only really evident when you play the same note repeatedly and have a long enough release time on the amplitude envelope to where one note carries over while the next note begins. With poly 1 you get what’s called “note stacking” when you play the SAME note in succession - like a series of E notes - with poly 1 that would allow the release phase from the previous E note to continue playing when the subsequent E note is hit, the oscillator will use new voices to create the new E note sound . With poly 2, you don’t get that effect. Try both for the patch you’re playing and stick with which one sounds better based on the music being played.
I know I know… dont ask…
Your insane lol
Yeah I know people talk to themselves but posting too themselves is truly mad
I’ve just put a buttercup under my chin. Its telling me that I like Margarine.
What do I do? ;) :hehe:
well in fact someone emailed me that so I thought I’d share!!