Hey guys and gals

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in buying some of my Vst licenses, i wanna buy my self a new toy or two so in the next few days i’ll be running through my vst folder to see what can be sold to raise funds. i’ll check with the companies before had to make sure the sale is legal and above.

what do you think.

can u give a list plz?

will post a list once i’ve checked that they can be sold so not to confuse.

only asked for the sake of saving time, if no one was interested they would go on ebay


have you got WAVE plugs to sale?

no i don’t use the waves plug’s had them a few years ago and dumped them in favor of sonalksis range much better sounding imo, as it stands atm the ones i may be selling are

NATIVE INSTRUMENTS PRO 53 (latest version)

DISCODSP DISCOVERY (latest version)


EFFECTRIX (latest version)

just waiting on the companies getting back to me on license transfer