I always have aot of trouble getting the hihats right. Of all the tutorials i have seen here it seams very easy to just pick a few hihats and then fit them into a simple pattern and it sounds good. I want a tutorial that gets deeper into sample selection, pattern creation and different tips on how to get your hihat groove right. Preferebly techno but a general tips are just as good.br
[quote]martin1678 (24/12/2014)[hr]I always have aot of trouble getting the hihats right. Of all the tutorials i have seen here it seams very easy to just pick a few hihats and then fit them into a simple pattern and it sounds good. I want a tutorial that gets deeper into sample selection, pattern creation and different tips on how to get your hihat groove right. Preferebly techno but a general tips are just as good.br
Fast HiHats in Ultrabeat Tutorial by Dj Ruiner Logic Pro 9 - YouTube hope it helps