
hey everyone,

new to the site and tuts but also new to production as well ive been a dj for almost 20 years so this was my next step…anyhooo my names mike and i love the way they simplified everything in there tuts, ive been feeling stumped between trying to learn ableton as well as a few other things on my own .


Welcome Man! :slight_smile:

Only been working with Ableton a short time myself.  It can get overwhelming with all there is to learn.  But the tuts here are great.  And believe it or not, these guys on the forum even know a thing or two…:smiley:

Hey mate, welcome to SA!

First of all, you have probably the best DAW you can get if your running a PC, Ableton really is amazing and just working through everything in the manual will keep you busy for a year but thats boring lol. im sure as a new member of SA you are getting stuck into all the tutorials and tbh that should help you become better extremely quickly.

[quote]mikeyfresh (16/11/2011)[hr]hey everyone,

new to the site and tuts but also new to production as well ive been a dj for almost 20 years so this was my next step…anyhooo my names mike and i love the way they simplified everything in there tuts, ive been feeling stumped between trying to learn ableton as well as a few other things on my own .


what’s your flavor of music mike?

thanks guys,

 this site is amazing! i mean i have really been stuck with this program and to be able to accomplish anything even if it was a tutorial project was pretty gratifying because at least i can get my head wrapped around the basics how things work ya know.

flavor of music hmmmmmmm. well i love dance music and hip pop but through my experience djing over the years im pretty much commercial club type of stuff i like electro alot  but i kinda wanna play around with different jenres of dance n see whats a good fit for me but then on the other hand i also really like hip hop too but again i like the more commercial stuff the best. my main goal originaly was to remix but now that i see all the dfferent directions there are to go in im kind of waiting till im able to do more to decide where im headed i guess if that makes any sense.