How do I get this synth sound?

The first thing you hear. How do I get that synth sound and what synth is the best to get that sound created. Thanks for any help. =)

Sounds like a saw/triangle.

Nexus is your best synth for pure trance.

Thats it? lol.

Are there any effects on it or is it just those 2 things? ( Cant really try out right now since Im at work)

[quote]gmgn (30/04/2010)[hr]Sounds like a saw/triangle.

Nexus is your best synth for pure trance.[/quote]

it’s also $299.

[quote]Aapie (02/05/2010)[hr][quote]gmgn (30/04/2010)[hr]Sounds like a saw/triangle.

Nexus is your best synth for pure trance.[/quote]

it’s also $299.


£1600 if you want it with the sound packs, which imo you’d be better off buying a virus TI, but in all fairness sylenth or massive and V-station can all pull these sounds off

just sounds like a progressive house sound which i’d say can be done on sylenth? just a saw and a lot ov reverb and low release and decay?

SA should definitly do a tut on it tho i love that sound but can never get it:(

I’m at work so i can’t verify and i could be wrong but i think it’s a chord with a +3 and a +7 semitone notes.

I think the “028 - Chicago” preset on Sylenth is very close to that sound… i think it’s a bit too sharp so maybe replace a saw by a triangle or a sin in the oscillators…

Anyway, i’m quite sure it might be tweaked to sound just like the sound in this track… :slight_smile:

[quote]mike dessler (04/05/2010)[hr]I’m at work so i can’t verify and i could be wrong but i think it’s a chord with a +3 and a +7 semitone notes.

I think the “028 - Chicago” preset on Sylenth is very close to that sound… i think it’s a bit too sharp so maybe replace a saw by a triangle or a sin in the oscillators…

Anyway, i’m quite sure it might be tweaked to sound just like the sound in this track… :)[/quote]

Cool, thanks for the help guys when i get some time I will try these things out.

This sounds a lot like the Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah synth

- YouTube

In that case, you can make this easily in Ableton’s Operator (If you use Ableton)

If so… This guy does some decent tutorials with full project folders to download

here’s the link

[quote]mike dessler (04/05/2010)[hr]I’m at work so i can’t verify and i could be wrong but i think it’s a chord with a +3 and a +7 semitone notes.

I think the “028 - Chicago” preset on Sylenth is very close to that sound… i think it’s a bit too sharp so maybe replace a saw by a triangle or a sin in the oscillators…

Anyway, i’m quite sure it might be tweaked to sound just like the sound in this track… :)[/quote]

DUDE!!! Thats exactly it! I had to do a little bit more of tweaking around things but I got it. Thanks again.

nice share sniffles thanks

Good call Mike

what a wonderful forum:D

Hi, tried the 028 Chicago as suggested but still couldn’t get that EDX crisp synth sound, how did you tweak it?


Honestly, I forgot lol. I did it on my laptop and I forgot to put in the charger so it died and I lost it. =( But I requested SA for a tutorial on it. But I just kept moving stuff around and I got pretty close to it.

Ok ive bee looking at the recreations of big tracks @ as mentioned previously in this thread.

Man its thrown a major spanner in my learning world. I dont get how its laid out at all… meaning the track seems to be totally done in the arrangement view not session like when I follow along in SA lessons (i know we end up arranging in the arrangement view eventually)

Im well confused now

Yea sounds plucky so turn sustain down, half on decay, then add some filter envelope.  saw/tri should get you the sound

I’ve figured out with that dirty Chicago on Sylenth1 preset, its soft and almost like EDX’s or Dinka’s synth. One problem. +3 and +7 notes doesnt sound perfect. Sounds like swedish house synth. Any ideas how to fix this problem ? If u need my remade chicago preset just pm me.