How is this Lead?

Hey Phil i checked the topic you mentioned in an earlier post and ive seriously been trying to get a half decent lead sound. I also boaght quite an expensive Reverb to see if that would make some sort of difference. So i thought id post it here and see what you thought, to my ears its still a bit thin even though its like 6 layers. I used ANA and Sylenth so would love to hear any tips you have. Ive edited each layer with compression, eq etc and its all going through a small delay and a big-ish reverb and a small bit of SC compression. Please let me know what you think, mabey im being harsh on myself? lol… All the best.

I think it sounds good man I really liked the melody…What reverb did you buy?? I have the Lexicon package and really like it but I’d be interested in hearing about yours

Sounds good to me.

But to get an even bigger lead, you could opt for a layer with a different sound. Something with a bit more bottom. A distorted/EQ’d/Filtered tom? Or “pauken” (you know what I mean :wink: )

Yeah I managed to sort it out and layer it a bit more it sounds good now I’m just not sure how loud to put it in the mix against the drums and the bass it’s a tough one. Sometimes leads just sound so loud and in your face but its hard to push them too much cos they drown out a lot of your other sounds.

Sound nice, but you should defiantly leave that background pluck in when the drums kick in! they played nice together-

sounds good… are you still sidechaining in the break tho?

i tend to drop the sidechain in breaks so the sound opens up.

also turn the reverb up until it sounds ridiculous.

Yeah it’s still side chained in the break ill try dropping it and see how that goes I’ve put a crap load of reverb on it but when I listen to it in mono it sounds a bit weird, very metallic and tinny. Is that normal and anything to worry about?

What Reverb are you using?


Any ideas? Meant to be a pretty good reverb… Not sure if its the reverb or the delays on it…

If you check out this thread

Phils made a pretty phat Lexicon reverb in the download he posts (Just save it as a preset) I use it to get that really big sound I think you should check it out.

Noooo I’ve got the big epic reverb sound on the lead now its just it sounds very thin and metallic when I listen to my track in mono, so just wanting to get that sorted!

You got the reverb as an insert or send/return?

Checked the settings of the reverb? Is it lowcutting the input signal?