How to create this effect

I’ve been hearing this certain sound a lot in recent productions and am wondering how to do it myself…The sound occurs at 33-34 seconds (Right after the Maybach Music tag) in the video and is almost sort of a riser back into the beat. Is it just some sort of tape delay?

Any help is appreciated

Sounds like the tape stop thing in reverse with a gated panning effect on.

could do the panning with beatrepeat and autopan in ableton.

Thanks phil

So by reverse do you mean to pitch bend the sound down consolidate it and then reverse the actual clip or pitch bend the sound upward?

yeah you can do the pitch bend a couple of ways…

clip automation in repitch mode or throw it in to sampler/simpler and use pitch bend

Friend, check tech tip 19 and 20 on tech tip volume 2

That is the complement of what phil just wrote for you.

Hope it helps you.


[quote]Felix Galera (12/10/2012)[hr]Friend, check tech tip 19 and 20 on tech tip volume 2

That is the complement of what phil just wrote for you.

Hope it helps you.


Appreciate it Felix!

Just in case for anyone else’s future reference I was able to create the effect by resampling the song throwing it into sampler and then using a pitch bend like this

nice one! thanks!