How to install Deep Tech Tronica - Sample Tools by Cr2 2 to my MAC OS X 10.11.6?

Hello, today I bought on your site “Deep Tech Tronica - Sample Tools by Cr2 2” and I can not understand how to install this package of sounds. which folder do I need to install? what is the name of the folder in which I need to move the contents of the package “Deep Tech Tronica - Sample Tools by Cr2 2”? Thank you for understanding!

Hey @paninmusic

The Deep Tech Tronica sounds package from Sample Tools by CR2 is mostly an audio samples library, except for the Sylenth 1 presets ( I come to that later ) meaning that the loops and individual sounds are audio files in WAV format to load as Audio into your DAW or within your preferred native sampler / plugin.

Therefore, you do not need to “install” anything for those audio files, just place the full folder on your hard drive where you want. Ideally, you would like to build your sound library on another hard drive than your system drive and preferably using a fast SSD drive, this could even be an external drive ( in case you would like to have a kind of portable sound library or if you can’t add an extra internal hard drive in your computer ).

Then it’s a matter of pointing the file browser from your DAW to that location in order to access your audio samples more friendly within your DAW of choice. In Logic X you have a file browser, in Ableton Live you can directly add a folder to your preferred location.

Now I can see on the store description that this pack contains also Sylenth 1 Presets, I can’t tell if you’re on a Mac or a PC but here are the default path that I know off under MacOS .

You have to make the difference with Sylenth SoundBanks ( full bank containing several presets ) which have a .FXB extension, and Sylenth Presets themselves which have a .FXP extension.

So depending of the extension that you have in this pack ( .fxb or .fxp ) you would like to copy the folder containing the files in the default SoundBanks or Presets folder :

On a Mac :

SoundBank (.fxb )

YourOSXHDDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/LennarDigital/Sylenth1/SoundBanks

Presets (.fxp)

YourOSXHDDrive/Users/YourUserName/Library/Application Support/LennarDigital/Sylenth1/Presets

It could happen that you will not find them in Application Support but in your User Library Preferences folder, therefore the paths will be :



Note that by default ( depending of your MacOS Version ) the user Library is not always a “visible” folder , if it’s hidden by default you can access it quickly by entering the Finder’s “Go” menu and holding down the Option key.

Also take note that you can put your 3thrd party Sylenth SoundBanks or Presets anywhere on your HDD and access them through Sylenth 1 interface in your Daw, using the Load Presets or Load Bank from Sylenth’s menu , but having them in the default location might be more comfortable.

Hope that can help, hopefully if you’re on a Mac it will. Under Windows I can’t tell you the Sylenth Presets folder location, but you can probably load Sylenth from your DAW, hit the menu and choose load Preset or load Bank and you will see where your browser will be pointing by default, it should be ok if standard install of Sylenth.

There’s another option to modify a settings.xml file in Sylenth Data folder and you could access this file via Sylenth Menu as well, more on that from Sylenth Support pages here Soundbanks and Presets | LennarDigital

Hope that help.