How to make an Epic Avicii style chorus?

I love the chorus in Avicii’s ‘Wake me up’ and Zedds’ are you going to stay the night’ and other similar ones. I would like to know how they get it to sound so full. I can find loads of videos on how to make the lead synths but no one seems to ever say anything about how to fill out the chorus so it sounds big. At the moment I put in some sidechained synth or pad chords, maybe some siechained simple saw chords and some sidechained noise. Plus some offbeat or sidechained bass. I do layer the leads so they sound alright but I think layering too many pads and strings doesn’t make it bigger it just adds too many similar frequencies and it ends up sounding
Im just wondering if its more down to the mixing and mastering and the effects that are added at that stage?br