How to make DUB STEP tutorial

I would love to see a “How to make Dub-Step” tutrorial.

Sound design in NI Massive (haven’t seen one Massive tut yet) or Operator for people who don’t have any Vsti

Sounds Like:

Flux Pavilion - Bass Cannon

Flux Pavilion - Bass Cannon - YouTube

Flux Pavilion - Haunt You

- YouTube

Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites

Skrillex - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (Official Audio) - YouTube

Gemini - Blue

Gemini - Blue - YouTube

Engine-EarZ Experiment - Reach You Ft. Lena Cullen (Chasing Shadows Remix)

- YouTube


yes i wish too,seems people on here doesnt appreciate dubstep as much,if so please make something like dubstep with a melodic section-massive build up and then drop it hard !!! would love to see that