How To Make - How To Sound Like Wilkinson / 1631

How To Sound Like Wilkinson

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This week we welcome back Noah, aka Haterade, for a new ‘How To Sound Like’ course and this time, he’s focussing on creating a Liquid DnB track using English DJ and producer Wilkinson as a reference.

Starting with a blank canvas and recreating elements from Wilkinson’s track ‘Used To It’, Noah adds ethereal pad chord progressions and spectral melodic lines before building the DnB groove and sound design in ANA 2 for the drop.

Once a basic arrangement is laid out, we add and process the epic vocals performed Eric Haley ( to really bring the track together before mixing and mastering.

This easy-to-follow course has all the samples, MIDI and assets you need to recreate this awesome track (or your own version) in the DAW of your choice.

So what are you waiting for? Get on it!

some ana2 presets are not “factory” included. for example that “electric” from build part… can you upload them or tell what library are they from? thanks

If you’re following along with Live, ANA 2 should recall the presets I believe.

If not and by track number order :

Other instances of ANA 2 in this project use a modified INIT* preset, so sound design from Noah :wink:

Thanks. I have only Live Lite as I’m using Cubase Pro… Was able to recall t 29 and 37, but that 31 Electric has a waveform called RUM PATCH.wav that has File missing message in it.

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Yeah, that RUM PATCH.wav waveform is not a factory waveform, it’s part of the Lo-Fi vol.14 pack.

Just Started, stoked is an understatement!!!

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sometimes its so hard to follow lol, im trying to follow in fl studio but you dont really explain to much so its hard sometimes to follow