How to make skins for Kick 2?

I see Kick 2 has the ability to have different Skins. Are there any instructions anywhere on how to create custom skins?

I love the plugin but I really dislike the font used on all of the knob text. Some of the knobs are very hard to read at a quick glance.

Where can I find the default skin to modify the fonts used on it, and as mentioned above are there any instructions available for making your own skins?


Hi brad.

you can play with the xml file and the current graphics in the ‘default’ graphics folder

Some of the fonts are not changeable. Others are actually embedded within the graphics folder. We will maybe release a pack to make the process easier.

Thanks for your help. I’ll look forward to the pack.

I had a look at the files you suggested and I noticed that pretty much all of the text I want changed is in the file background.png. Are you able to send me the image project file that you used to generate the background.png file (including layering information, etc)? Also what image editing software did you use to create it?



We used Photoshop - once we make it a bit more user friendly we will hopefully release something that can be edited.


While we are waiting for the pack I did some mods to the default theme. I can provide a link for anyone who is interested.

View this image at full size to see the font changes clearly…

I got to say, the current GUI is suboptimal, to put it in a polite term. In Kick 1.0 you would immediately have on overview of what is happening. 2.0 does not present the complexity of the added functionality in a useful way.

Sorry, but i don’t know where to find the root file of the .psd file as default.
Is there any source file as psd format to work on ? I don’t know how to do in the manual.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards.

Hi there

There is currently no PSD available to edit, but the png renders are available from the GUI folder at

HD > Library > Application Support > Sonic Academy > KICK 2 >
C > programData > Sonic Academy > KICK 2 >

Thank you for your help … there’s a mistake in the official manual ;(
Do you thnik there is an original psd file that allow us to convert to png format after working on ?

The PSD it quite intricate,

Is there a particular part of the GUI you would like access to, i can maybe spit it out for you

The advantage of the psd format is that it is possible to isolate the layers and work on the background without the buttons and rotary.
The proposed png format includes the buttons, so if you want to change the colors of the background, it also changes the color of the buttons.
It would be nice to have only the background mask.
Kind regards.

The buttons you see on the background template are actually only placeholders - the real buttons are layered on top and are available in a separate PNG file.

Ok … i gonna try this.
Thank you for your help.

Is there a way tro change the color of the meters and lines and handles? I only see png’s.

Im working on a skin…

Finished some knob ideas today…

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Maybe I should call it starburst or life savers LOL

I don’t think this is editable from the available files in a theme.

Nice work :wink:

Just trying some knob and UI ideas…