How To Make - Synthwave with Bluffmunkey / 1454

Hello there @SpacelyCat

This preset is part of the ANA 2 Presets Volume 13 - Retro and Famous expansion presets pack :wink:

Another great course from Bluffmunkey.
He has a real knack for explaining technical details in an accessible manner, with a good sense of humor sprinkled in.
One question, how do you find vocalists to collaborate with?
I’ve spent a small fortune on vocal sample packs, 98.3% of which are not usable for the tracks I’m producing.
It would be cheaper to pay someone to record bespoke vocals for my tracks.

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You can check this video from this other course here : Tutorial 09 - Finding Vocalists and Vocal Development.

There’s also other websites similar to Vocalizr which is discussed in this video :

Fiverr, AirGigs, SoundBetter, ReverbNation, Kompoz ( more a collaborative platform ), Music Gateway ( although it aims more at music professionals ), StarNow, Twine

There’s probably more than those, don’t forget that you can also find great vocal talents browsing through SoundCloud, Bandcamp and YouTube and getting in touch, but there’s definitely a good amount of online platforms allowing you to hire and collaborate with vocalists.

Hope this helps !

Cheers :sunglasses: