How to make Trance: Why removing lows with Chan EQ when already having AUBandpass?

Hey Chris

I love your tutorial about creating trance, but I’m not sure why in “Tutorial 6 - High Bass 1” around 5:30 you also add a Channel EQ that cuts the lows below 148Hz, when you already have the AUBandpass activated that should only let frequencies pass within about 150 and 6000Hz? Isn’t this redundant?? Or is it for later when you maybe automate the bandpass filter?

Thanks for info.


Filters have a slope so say you set it at 150 it only starts rolling of the frequencies at a given slope… normally 6db 12db 24db etc.

So you are still left with some lower frequencies even though they are reduced.

Maybe chris just wanted to get rid of even more freqs in that area


We do automate the bandpass, and therefore we use lo cut should the bandpass filter automation allow feq’s below this level. This is an added precaution to keep the mix clean, perhaps not truly necessary though.

Thank you,
I’m truly learning a lot of these tutorials, but sometimes I think some additional hints would be really
Maybe you should add an “annotate” feature to your videos (like YouTube has), so you and even members could add annotations. :slight_smile:

like that!!!