How to make Trance: Why use Fat EQ instead of Chan EQ?

Hey Chris

Why do you sometimes prefer using Fat EQ over Channel EQ? You mention something about Logic 7 or so, but I don’t really get your point. Is it because you created this sound back in Logic 7 days when there was no Chan EQ and want to recreate it exactly the same way? But I suppose the same result would be possible with Chan EQ, right?

Thanks for help,


Its probably just a personal preference… and maybe the fat eq is a bit sweeter sounding in the top end.


I don’t prefer fat eq, I mainly use channel eq. The sound I think you mention was the ‘Holding onto Nothing Bass’ which was created around 2003 or 2004, and used Fat eq - why? I’m not really sure, maybe channel EQ didn’t exist in 2003, but to faithfully bring the bass sound into the tutorial I used the same settings. Note however different eq’s will give you a different sound when using them.


Thanks for your replies, guys! :slight_smile: