How to Slice loops into individual samples quickly

Hi all this little trick was inspired by watching the latest Sonic Academy video “Tribal”

In the video …module 8 (slicing) Phil explains how to slice up a loop but the method he uses involves a little bit of manual work to get the individual hits out of the loop.

Well I felt there must be an easier way and after a little experimention here’s what I’ve come up with.

I am quite pleased with myself as I’ve never seen any tip online or anywhere else for that matter explaining how to achieve it. No doubt some forum somewhere has one though. :smiley:

This would be quite good for slicing up sample cd’s quickly although there’s a slight limitation as Ableton Live currently only supports up to 128 slices per sample.

Still its way faster than any other method I’ve seen to date and I thought I’d share it with you guys.

Due to differing operating systems exactly where the tempory samples end up may vary but as shown in the video when I am about to quit Ableton the tempory sample path is reported so all you have to do is go looking in that path to bag the individual hits.

There’s probably an easier way but for now this works ok.

Hope you like.:cool:

nice one… defiantly a better method if you got sampler…


Already knew this but great videos anyways :slight_smile:

Cheers guys.

Roben can I ask did you stumble on the tip by accident or see it on youtube or on a forum.?

I only ask because I was thinking of sharing it with the wider Ableton community but i don’t want egg on my face if its a widely known tip or if there’s already a vid out there covering the technique.

i’d certainly pull the youtube vid if so.

No idea, no doubt learnt it from here or from Computer Music / Future Music.

Ah must be computer music, certainly not here Roben.

I’ll have to trawl through some online ‘computer music’ archives.

I’ll keep the youtube vid online for now.

Thanks for getting back dude.

cool vid thanks for sharing…:smiley: