How to Sond Like Question? Tech House Synth Patches

Hi Guys,

Great website absolutely loving the content. However i have hit a wall with tthe tutorials that are aimed at the Tech house sound and feel that there needs to be some more content going over how to make some of the typical minimal glitchy sounds synonymous with tech house - how to actually synthesise them rather than using a samples as we need more control over them. i would describe these sounds as the sort of minimal clicks, pops, quick stabs, glitches, hisses, drips, slices etc… (the dripping water one is very common, or the one that sounds like something popping).

I have provided 4 clips with some of these typical sounds on them. The clips can be downloaded :

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It would seem to me that most tech house uses these sort of sounds and that they are the hardest to get from a synth in comparisen to creating drums or strings for example…

Well hopefully this will be looked at!


the sounds that you are talking about, IMHO are best used from samples. There are some GREAT sample packs out there that are from things around the house or the garage like dropping a nail, or running the faucet. If you run these, there many things that you can do to manipulate the sound. I believe that you have more control over audio, then you do a synth in many cases. What are you trying to accomplish?

i wouldn’t agree or disagree with samples being more flexible than synths, they are both flexible in different ways. imo anyone is going to benefit from using both samples and synthesis.

you also have a few different options when using a sample dropped into the arrange window instead of using a sampler.

where one falls short the other works great.

Hi Guys,

I totally agree with everything here and I think that samples from around the house is a viable way to get the sounds, but I can also tell from alot of the tech house that I use that some of it is synthesised too…Therefor I would like to learn how to synthesize aswell thats all im saying…

How for example would you make a typical popping cork sound in something like sylenth or operator?

Any help much appreciated and if you could sonic academy can you make a tutorial for this it would help alot of people I think!!!




I think I know what you mean.

its quite frustrating to hear a sound in your head and know exactly what you want but find it hard to translate into synthesis.

With experience and time you will develope a natural instinct for what is and isn’t possible with the current technology.

For example a popping cork.

It may be better just to sample a popping cork and play with the results in a sampler but then again you could import and re synthesize the sound into something like alchemy or other such vsti synths.

the bottom line is and I am sure we are all pretty much in the same position until someone releases something that is directly connected to our brains all we can do is experiment.

good luck bro.

you are not alone.:smiley: