How to Sound Like Dirty Dutch

How to Sound Like Mike Candys & Afrojack

All The Dj’s That Wants Sonic Academy to Do Videos off how to make Dirty Dutch say it here!

Well this comes up every week. Do a search for the 3 million posts

Yes I now.

I just hope they will do something about it =\ .

Look on youtube. Timofey has an excellent tutorial. Get a demo of the vst oddity. Preset patch number 21 or similar has a great starting point for the high pitch synth. No bassline, heavy 808 like sample, toms, popular sample. Post on youtube. Watch people say comments like “Dirtier than a granny who has no fanny f*cked by her sister in the ***” like comments.

Good starting point IMO:P

i think its great that these posts keep coming up mabey SA will take note. BTW that oddity synth is pretty crap and weird as well can be quite a bitch to program and it doesnt rly sound all that dirty to me. Also where does timofey cover dirty house? Got any links the only tuts i saw from him were electro bassline and how to sound like bodyrox yeah yeah…

PLZ SA even if you dont do a full on HTSL plz show how to make that lead sound that their all using now!

Youtube him & go to his channel. He has quite a few downloadable projects. You can tweak the preset if you want…thats what it is all about, learning what each thing in the snth does to the sound. The loud screaming sound is not what makes the track sound dirty though.

I’ll be expecting the next vid to be Dutch house. It’s the only consistent request right now.

I think the next set of vids is gna be ****ty prog house we will just have to keep flooding these forums with these posts and hope SA listen to us for 1ce.


C’mon!! Let’s see that Dutch House tutorial!!!

[quote]djsniffles (28/05/2010)[hr]I’ll be expecting the next vid to be Dutch house. It’s the only consistent request right now.[/quote]

It’s the only consistent request because you’re spamming the board with nothing but Dutch House requests.

Not wishing to start a flame war here, but the SA bunch are good guys and listen to the forums, and you really don’t need to bombard them with thread after thread about something you want. There is a community of people here who all have an input and it just clogs the board up seeing thread after thread asking for the same thing, when one thread bumped to keep it current would do the same job but without getting on everyones nerves.

On top of that if something takes time getting done, such as a tutorial it’s without doubt because they are researching it and getting it right so when it comes it’s of the same quality as all the other tutorials on the website.

I’d be happy to see a Dutch house but maybe just be a bit patient and let them work on the tutorials. Just my thoughts on it.

yes please