Not to sound like a brown-nose but would love to see a walkthrough of one of your Psycatron tunes Phil, maybe something like Ravejuice. Its mostly the treatment of the bottom end that I’m interested in. I find it quite hard to get real depth in the bottom end when I’m trying to produce this sort of techno.
Yeah I fully agree, I already requested this but it was pretty much ignored.
I don’t care if it sounds brown nosey, in the end of the day, Bryan did one for his tune, Graham will be for his and the Psycatron sound is wicked!
right enough phil, get yer finger out!!
Ive actually taken a back seat on the psycatron stuff of late…
Im working on a downtempo album atm…
the last track i did with paul was Rave juice… ill check with the label and see what i can sort out.
Hi Phil,
Is there an update on this HTSL yet and if we can get it?