How To Use - FL Studio 21 Beginner Level 1 / 1686

FL Studio 21 Beginner Level 1

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Want to get to grips with FL Studio? Maybe you’ve recently started out using the software or are considering changing your current DAW?
Over the next 13 videos, Trance legend and FL Studio maestro James Dymond will take you through the key areas of FL Studio 21.

This is a Beginner Level 1 course where James will show you how to get up and running with the software, from opening it for the first time to creating your first beats, sounds and finishing your first track.

First up we take a look at the audio setup and user interface of FL Studio, showing you all the key areas you’ll need to know. We then bring in some drum samples to create a drum loop and add our bass and synth sounds using FL Studio’s native Sytrus along with some transition effects. Lastly, we finish off by arranging the track using some automation to create movement before mixing the track down and exporting your finished tune so it can be played anywhere.

Once the basics have been learned here, you’ll be set up to go and create your own masterpieces!

Hello, just a question about this pressing the stop button, turning down the main volume and then resetting it before introducing the next channel into the mix: is it just a habit or does FL Studio have some drift in the main volume that should be corrected inbetween by kind of resetting it?

Not sure what you mean, is this shown in a video ? If yes, could you please point a video number and time frame.

Sure, it is mainly in the mixing lesson (Tutorial 12) . Just to be clear, this is not an issue or anything. I was just curious because I noticed it and wondered what the exact reason behind it is. It is not talked about specifically.

Here are two time stamps from tutorial 12 as an example: 6:40 or 8:10.

It is always turn down volume, press stop, reset main volume to default.

Again, this question is just out of curiosity. The whole course is superb and helped me a lot to “get into FL”.

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Thansk for your reply and pointing the video + time frame :+1:

So yep, also picked up this at 6:40 and 8:10 in video 12 but I can’t tell you if there’s a specifci reason for doing this.

Maybe @James_Dymond could answer why he’s resetting the main level in FL Studio this way.

great tutorial James Dymond! i will do all your other FL tut’s you’re a great teacher!

To answer your question @baumi , I believe James is doing that to stop the reverb tail. I may be wrong though.

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Good point, could be this yes, thanks for chiming in ! :wink:

so excited to get started!

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This course was really useful for a beginner.

You lost me with the Sytrus presets, I was following along/copying well until then. Other than that it’s been a great tutorial for getting started with FL!

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