Htsl shm

Hi All,

I know I’m late to the party on this one but I have been focused on this particular tutorial as it is the closest to my desired sound.

I’ve done a search on this forum and read a few comments where people were getting the file could not be open error. You can click on it a few times and the project will still open.

Some suggested the problem was due to possible missing VST’s but the actual problem is not the VST itself. I believe the problem is actually the Impulse Response from the Resolverb plugin that is missing.

The impulse is called “10 Music Club” - To get the full effect and sound of this tutorial I would love to get my hands on this exact impulse.

Phil (or anyone else at SA) would it be at all possible for you to provide this Impulse so I can have a complete project file to my favorite HTSL tutorial? Thanks in advance.

All good things,


will have a look into this and see if i can get this impulse response

The project actually uses 2 impulses.

“10 gated ambience.wav”

“10 music club.wav”

The missing impulses come from the Lexicon 960L.

“10 gated ambience”


“10 music club.wav”


For additional free impulse responses checkout this thread which also contains

solutions to revolverb problems.


Bryan…Thank you for the response.

Krome…Thanks for the hook up. Much appreciated!

No problemo rcorbo :slight_smile: