HTSL Vitalic

  1. Electronic / Experimental / Electro / Techno / Doesn’t matter!

  2. Vitalic

  3. Second Lives, Terminateur Benelux, Flash Mob, Chicken lady, Your Disco Song

  4. [url]Vitalic - Second Lives (Official) - YouTube


    [url]Vitalic - Flashmob - YouTube

    [u]Vitalic - Chicken Lady (2009) - YouTube

    [url]Vitalic - Your Disco Song (Official) - YouTube

    How does the man do it!?!?

    its Crazy but i have these songs stuck in my head that i want to create sound similar to his style way before i ever heard of him.

i saw him play a few years back…(back before i knew much about producing) and even tho i had no idea what he was using i can remember everything he had on stage was analog…

there was boxes covered in knobs and faders everywhere…

it looked like the guy had 5 hands.

i have no idea what he is using now for his new tracks tho, but he still has that pretty raw electro sound i heard him play years ago.

but anyways

plus 1 from me on vitalic

Vitalic would be nice ! He use a lot of Analog Gear with Live 8 and Logic !

totally agreed.

wanna know his!


Sounds like 80’s electronica with a dark modern uptake - I really like it

+1 :smiley:

[quote]slender (04/05/2010)[hr]Sounds like 80’s electronica with a dark modern uptake - I really like it

+1 :D[/quote]

Yay :smiley: