
plz listen this is my second attempt i love but wat do you think plz let us no good or bad an thanks again for listening:D

Hey dude i like it you have that sound sorted but the whole thing sounded a bit flat though, mabe cos of you tube .really nice effort:)

thanks alot for the feed back wat do u meen flat tho, is it the build ups etc cuz i no thereno that good any tips would be great

the vocals in the break were not in the same key with everything else. the basses were tight though.

[quote]bubbascrub (1/21/2010)[hr]thanks alot for the feed back wat do u meen flat tho, is it the build ups etc cuz i no thereno that good any tips would be great[/quote]

hey man dont ever put your efforts  down ( creativity wise) i really liked what you did, it was just the sound quality that let it slip a bit and that  probs was’nt your fault

keep doing what your doing man you’ll get there soon by the sounds of things :slight_smile: