I am an idot

I take back wanting more tutorials. I deserve to be called the idiot of the site. The electro video is so freaking amazing that I feel like the biggest idiot for talking cool about how the sonic academy guys need to put out a tip day. I really learned alot from the videos. Keep up the good work. I will be recommending this sight to all my friends and to other forums I am apart of. Flame me for my ignorance.

Also any one have problems pulling in the fidget house sylenth presets? I keep getting error loading preset. Anyone know why?

So I’m not an idiot anymore?


i wouldn’t call you an idot perhaps because i don’t know what one is.

[quote]howiegroove (7/6/2009)[hr]So I’m not an idiot anymore?


well that’s debatable. hahahahahahaha

[quote]jon_fisher (7/6/2009)[hr][quote]howiegroove (7/6/2009)[hr]So I’m not an idiot anymore?


well that’s debatable. hahahahahahaha[/quote]


:P;) (jokes)

Hey Samuel think how many tips you learnt in that tutorial! :slight_smile:

Well, we were both calling each other names. So, a must say that we were acting like idiots. However I’m sure your a smart guy and know alot about music.

Which leads me to this. Is everyone on the site still wanting a section where we the members can give advice? You all may have already asked this, but what is the outcome. Are we still pushing for this section or is it already in the works?

Those videos on electro blew my mind and made it look so simple.

i wouldn't call you an idot perhaps because i don't know what one is

jon man i thought you were up on your technology an idot is the new i pod its so small you cant even see it !

I bought one yesterday for 300 notes... but i put it down somewhere and now i cant find it!:D

im yet to try the new electro tutorial i think i should take some time out and get my *** onto it :smiley:

[quote]roben (7/6/2009)[hr][quote]jon_fisher (7/6/2009)[hr][quote]howiegroove (7/6/2009)[hr]So I’m not an idiot anymore?


well that’s debatable. hahahahahahaha[/quote]


:P;) (jokes)

Hey Samuel think how many tips you learnt in that tutorial! :)[/quote]

I got your joke right here!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I still wouldnt mind having a user advice section.

+1 on the user advice thing man…

sam yor not an idiot man easy mistake to make!:slight_smile:

I am no idiot, but we can not ignore that fact that what was said by me was moronic.

hey dude don’t beat yourself up about it. this board is very forgiving, we all said thing’s that we wanted to take back.

I’m over it now man. I know I just needed to apologize for being an ***. Also, has the kansis city shuffle guy made it. Or has the guy who is making these videos made it. it’s crazy to me if he hasn’t.

KCS is bry’s tune, i think he’s quite and accomplished producer as are most of the sonic team. not sure to what level “made it” is but they seem to be making a living from music (maybe drugs & prostitution as well)

although im not sure which one is pimp and which one is ho. could you clear this up phil and bry :smiley:

They have made it, but I guess I meant made it like touring with their music. These guys are sick and should be on the road. I do not want to lose my tutorials, so, perhaps they should just stick to teaching.

[quote]samuelalbritton (7/6/2009)[hr]They have made it, but I guess I meant made it like touring with their music. These guys are sick and should be on the road. I do not want to lose my tutorials, so, perhaps they should just stick to teaching.[/quote]

steady there think of the tutorials sshhhhh!

yeah i don’t think these guys are good enough to tour :wink:

peace and love and happiness <3

[quote]samuelalbritton (7/6/2009)[hr]I am no idiot, but we can not ignore that fact that what was said by me was moronic.[/quote]

Absolutely NOTHING in comparison with the sh*t i had to take some months ago by a certain outspoken opinionated individual on this forum lol.

But it’s all water under the bridge, we’re all here for the same reason and we only comment because we’re passionate.

Music is the answer to your problems… :smiley:

[quote]roben (7/6/2009)[hr][quote]samuelalbritton (7/6/2009)[hr]

Absolutely NOTHING in comparison with the sh*t i had to take some months ago by a certain outspoken opinionated individual on this forum lol.


Oh the memories!:laugh: