I love the accents

God, i love the Irish accent on the tutorials, when i hear my own voice played back i quiver, but Irish accent is great for listening too, random lol.:hehe:

random and quite worrying… lol

Come on it is a Monday after all lol


No no…i use a PC :smiley:

I just thought after i posted this i was going to get some stick lol i deserve it…

Regret posting this one lol :blink:

Like going on Facebook when drunk.

Man I need to stop doing that. The indellible trail of evidence it leaves makes undoing the damage so much harder.

Bloody facebook, i always have to see photos from my heavy night out, not pretty.

female with red hair YESS boi 

s.a crew NO! lol

facebook+mobile phone+text and alcohol dont mix

1.The “fishing” text

The text equivalent of a booty call, when the sender is drunk and wanting to have sex at the end of the night.

It’s usually along the lines of: “So wot u up 2 later?” or “U out tonight?” Which might seem safe enough, but translates as “I’m drunk and want to get laid.”

The success rate? Only about 10 per cent.

Worst when sent to an ex girlfriend - spare yourself the blushes by deleting their name from your phone.

2.Predictive text “cock-ups”

While ‘predictive’ texts can be time-saving by day, when you’ve been drinking they’re anything but predictable.

Some examples: “Gassy new year!!!” (Happy)

“Come on over… I have wind” (wine)

3.“Declarations of undying love” text

Alcohol might bring out the romantic in your partner, but she might equally regret the fact you have a lasting record of her beer-induced soppiness.

4.“Family” texts

Drunken texts accidentally sent to family members (especially parents) are rare but lethal.

Especially dangerous when the name of the person you fancy, eg Holly, is next to your Mum in your phonebook.

For example: “U wanna stay at mine tonight?”

And God forbid it’s actual text sex…

5.“OH MY GOD!” text

What you say the moment you realise you’ve sent a bitchy text or talking about somone you fancy - to that very person.

More common than you’d think, as they’re the ones in your head at the time.

If you’re cheating on your partner - beware.

6.“The One Eyed” text

You might be finding it hard to focus at 1am, but you’re delighted when you discover that by closing one eye you’re able to see the message you’re writing. Aren’t you the clever one!

7.“Pre-lash booty check” texts

Sister to the “fishing text”, it’s usually sent between the hours of 9pm and midnight and is putting the feelers out for a booty call later in the evening.

An innocent “You out tonight?” sent to someone you fancy actually translates as: “Just checking you’re out in case I need to find you for some sex later”.

The girl on the receiving end of a text like this will make sure they end up in the same club as the sender - even if it means bullying her mates to trek across town to get there.

8.The “reminder” text

Usually sent just after 2am to yourself - because you know you will forget that very important apology/fact/debt by the time you wake up.

For example:

“Say sorry to Kelly”

“U lent Kev £40”

“Key is under bin”

9.“Singing” texts

Ever texted anyone song lyrics? Us too.

10. “I can’t remember his/her name phonebook addition”

Finally, not really a text, but a mistake nonetheless.

Despite your obvious drunkenness, you’ve managed to engage someone in conversation for hours - or even got them home.

The trouble is, you can’t remember their name and it’s way too late to ask.

And then it comes to you - get them to type their name into your phone and you’ll instantly find out what they’re called.

Perfect - except they often realise exactly what you’re doing. Next time, please just try to remember what they’re called.

3.“Declarations of undying love” text

Alcohol might bring out the romantic in your partner, but she might equally regret the fact you have a lasting record of her beer-induced soppiness.

So true, that was my exs favourite text, no showing of emotion at all till the vodka started rolling, then i got love you and all that stuff, i never believe a word of drunken texts lol

[quote]Michael Alexander (14/06/2010)[hr]God, i love the Irish accent on the tutorials, when i hear my own voice played back i quiver, but Irish accent is great for listening too, random lol.:hehe:[/quote]

Does it turn you on? You popped wood, didnt you? :wink:

shhhhhh!!! :stuck_out_tongue: