
It was stealth bragging, I know cos I’m a pro at it.

Casual mention of the DJ changing rooms, and how the DJs play wavs (so you must have been hob nobbing to find this out etc etc), a casual story of frolicks at a 5 star hotel.

Get nothing past me,

Sorry, gotta dash, just finishing a cover feature with number one selling artists Michael Woods and DJ Fresh…

Yeah I spotted those refs too! :wink:

Well if you count use of the best suite in a famous five start hotel and hanging out in the Space terrace DJ booth as bragging…

Ah, genius… the ‘whats special about that’ double edged put down and brag combo.


[quote]bangthedj (14/07/2011)[hr]Ah, genius… the ‘whats special about that’ double edged put down and brag combo.




HaHa :smiley:


So, when I was in Space they played this. Haven’t heard it for a few years, it was maybe over played a while ago but it sounded great.

Honest I did, it isn’t just an excuse to post this vid again! :slight_smile:

<EMBED height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=640 src=- YouTube allowfullscreen=“true” allowScriptAccess=“always”>