If you had to go to prison

Who on here would you have as your room mate? I’d go for ICN as I think he would play a mean game of chess and make great origami.


[quote]Mussi81 (23/08/2011)[hr]LDF?


Hmm, i’m not sure he’d make such good company. Certainly a good match for ‘someone’ just not sure who… i’m a bit rusty about who does what here.

Me too, but only because his man-hole is tighter than Tobie’s touch.


I see myself as Morgan Freeman and ICN as Tim Robbins… one day in the far future we’ll meet up and realise what good friends we are.

I’d go in with BoneIDOL… he’d distract the bullies away from me.

[quote]ICN (23/08/2011)[hr]I’d go in with BoneIDOL… he’ddistract thebullies away from me.[/quote]

LOL - really being banged up with Bone would drive me to suicide

I’d want to be banged up with Robin and pimp him - not much differnt from what he does now :):stuck_out_tongue:

WarwickD and I would be using prison rules - it’s not gay if you are the giver.

I think I’d like to go to prison with the Blond girl that gets killed in the toilet in “Snakes on a Plane” - LOL

It was on last night & I caught that scene. Great scene.

[quote]JamieinNC (23/08/2011)[hr]Me too, but only because his man-hole is tighter than Tobie’s touch.


[quote]dom_moulton (23/08/2011)[hr]Who on here would you have as your room mate? I’d go for ICN as I think he would play a mean game of chess and make great origami.[/quote][/quote]


Thank you, Aline…

Apparently I’m still not popular enough to be making such heinous gay jokes and expect a plethora of laughter after, even at ICN’s expense!

I know who my friends are! Psheeee!

[quote]alinenunez (23/08/2011)[hr][quote]JamieinNC (23/08/2011)[hr]Me too, but only because his man-hole is tighter than Tobie’s touch.


[quote]dom_moulton (23/08/2011)[hr]Who on here would you have as your room mate? I’d go for ICN as I think he would play a mean game of chess and make great origami.[/quote][/quote]


I didnt understand it Jamie - What does Gay mean?

Why is it funny? Are you a Clown? Does it tickle?  :wink: :smiley:

I’m from Ireland Mate - I’m very innocent :wink:

[quote]slender (23/08/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (23/08/2011)[hr]I’d go in with BoneIDOL… he’ddistract thebullies away from me.[/quote]

LOL - really being banged up with Bone would drive me to suicide

I’d want to be banged up with Robin and pimp him - not much differnt from what he does now :):P[/quote]

Making jokes about someone on the forum is only funny when they’re around to see it hah.


Glad to know you were thinking about me though :wink: <3

Now, THAT’S a joke everyone can understand!


[quote]ICN (24/08/2011)[hr]

I’m from Ireland Mate - I’m very innocent ;)[/quote]

I’ve asked around Jamie - Does it involve dressing up as a Priest?

We’re very religious over here - Sounds like it would be good fun… When can we go to prison?  :)

Immediately! I need a break from all this anyway. :P:D

[quote]ICN (24/08/2011)[hr]I’ve asked around Jamie - Does it involve dressing up as a Priest?

We’re very religious over here - Sounds like it would be good fun… When can we go to prison? :)[/quote]

See you inside then Fr. Jamie! :smiley:

you guys are all b*tches in slender’s eyes.

you know the guy cuts people for a living right?

its like having chuck norris in your prison cell.

nobody messes with the chuck.

[quote]UnitedVision (24/08/2011)[hr]you guys are all b*tches in slender’s eyes.

you know the guy cuts people for a living right?

its like having chuck norris in your prison cell.

nobody messes with the chuck.[/quote]

Hmm I see my self more of a Anthony Hopkins than a Chuck Norris if I am honest :wink:

[quote]slender (24/08/2011)[hr][quote]UnitedVision (24/08/2011)[hr]you guys are all b*tches in slender’s eyes.

you know the guy cuts people for a living right?

its like having chuck norris in your prison cell.

nobody messes with the chuck.[/quote]

Hmm I see my self more of a Anthony Hopkins than a Chuck Norris if I am honest ;)[/quote]

hellllloooo clariceeee.