Ik multimedia bundle


I have been looking at getting the t-racks deluxe bundle for a while, but i have just seen this deal and i am wondering if its worth spending the extra cash?!?!? it seems like a great package but how much of a difference would the ARC make?? do any of you use these plug-ins or do you have any other suggestions about what does a better job for cheaper;)

Usually the plug ins of your DAW would be good for mastering . I wouldn’t suggest to buy it unless you already are pro mastering IMO

honestly man, the reverb in that bundle is the only think that is worth anything IMO. Other then that, the ARC has been stated my many as a waste of money, and why get T-Racks when you can get Ozone, or just use what you have in your DAW. But the reverb is the tits!