Im Karl, I’m the new Logic Tutor for the academy. I am currently working on translating all of the available Sonic videos over on to the logic 8 platform so if there are any logic users with any questions leave a post and I’ll try and answer them, cheers.
thank you very much.
me love you long time
how could i recreate the early sander van doorn style delay effect in logic?
how can i make fidget basslines with es2?
Hi jon I’m not familiar with much of sander van doorns work, can u give me an example of a track and the time at which the particular effect comes in and I’ll look Into it for you.
Also when u are talking about fidget basslines I assume u mean the wobbly herve/crookers kind of bass
Cheers, karl.
in this clip the effect im talking about is used quite a lot to my ears it seems like delay and reverb but can never seem to get it right
small part about 10 to 14 seconds in
the good build part is at about 1:40
and fidget bass i personally love the alex calver (Crasher)
Bonjour Logic Guy - Looking forward to some tut’s on logic actually, been meaning to give it a blast for a while now
Hi Karl
I am new to production and after much deliberation dived in at the deep end with Logic. I must admit I am not finding the interface as hard to use as people make out (once you have got to grips with the Arrange window, piano roll editor etc. it is nice to use).
However, the plug ins are proving more difficult for me…any tutorials you could do on the Ultrabeat drum machine, ESX24 etc. would be much appreciated.
hi new logic guy…lol
im realy looking forward to your upcoming videos…i have a question for you.
this past few projects iv been working on when ever i hit star to record from my midi keyboard “a lead pattern etc” it starts as usual but when the click starts there also is another noise that comes in,like a subby kick…there is no other sound playing that i can find …
the keys i play record as normal in the arrange window but down below them i have a pattern of the dreaded subby kick sound…when i delete them they is no problem but it just annoying me cause it interfering with me recording melodys and basslines…hope you can help
[quote]alfonse (4/21/2009)[hr]Hi Karl
I am new to production and after much deliberation dived in at the deep end with Logic. I must admit I am not finding the interface as hard to use as people make out (once you have got to grips with the Arrange window, piano roll editor etc. it is nice to use).
However, the plug ins are proving more difficult for me…any tutorials you could do on the Ultrabeat drum machine, ESX24 etc. would be much appreciated.
Sander did a full video tutorial last week on how to make a track in Logic. You should check out his website (you have to register) and then you can few the full video. It’s pretty long and in depth, so it might help you out with what you need (and he did it in Logic)
Thats awesome! I’ve been doing all the tutorials on ableton on PC.
Just bought a macbook and i’m going to do the switch to logic.
You changing all the tutorials over is music to my ears!!!
[quote]skooby (4/21/2009)[hr]Sander did a full video tutorial last week on how to make a track in Logic. You should check out his website (you have to register) and then you can few the full video. It’s pretty long and in depth, so it might help you out with what you need (and he did it in Logic)[/quote]
yeah seen all 3 of the videos on and they arn’t great to say the least, the first one is ok but the other two suck big style
BIG BUMP … so im going thru the forum pages and seen this thread … so when can we expect MORE LOGIC TUTORIALS … love the site would just like to see some more
Welcome to the gang!
Logic 8 or Logic 9?
thanks roben …
can someone organise a fight at Madison Square Garden between logic and cubase… then shock horror Ableton jumps into the ring on the last round just before the bell and woops them both… i wish…
Welcome Karl, will be good to have some new project files, it gets pretty tiresome having to translate all the Live techniques into Logic, so I’m really looking forward to your tuts.
Guys - Check the date on this thread…
[quote]ICN (15/12/2010)[hr]Guys - Check the date on this thread… ;)[/quote]
Bah - spoilsport I was waiting too see how long this would run