Importing samples and not fully recognizing

Hello, Im having troubles importing. 1st on my desk top i can import a sample in live and its no problem… but when i try to do the same on my laptop that also has ableton live it wont read the whole sample it, it will show only a few seconds in track session… this has never happen to me before… is ther something that is disable please help … [w00t]

a pic of my problem drag and drop audio file int track

2. only first few seconds show after droping clip… it was not edited or cuted

reinstalled live in my laptop a few times and still does the same…

but when i drop same file on my other pc that has live installed. it will show full mp3 when i double click it.:doze:

have you properly extracted the samples from a zip file?

problem solved :slight_smile: stripped the id3 tags off of the tracks and they work fine now:w00t::cool::smiley: