In depth tutorials on compression and mixing


I noticed that there are tutorials on this subject but take compression for instance i would love to see a more in depth tutorial on this. More practical compression videos.

keep up with the goodwork


I’d love to see more on compression as well. The understanding compressors tutorial was the first one I watched, really great breakdown of the basics. Then I watched the dubstep tutorial and he was using a “New York” compression, which was totally badass. I wonder if there are other “geographical” compression techniques out there?

EDIT: I found a bunch of really good articles on the googles. Search for “Audio Compression Techniques”

Here’s a couple:

[url]SOS Past Articles now online (back to January 1994)


[quote]anthonyp20 (12/09/2010)[hr]I’d love to see more on compression as well. The understanding compressors tutorial was the first one I watched, really great breakdown of the basics. Then I watched the dubstep tutorial and he was using a “New York” compression, which was totally badass. I wonder if there are other “geographical” compression techniques out there?


new york compression is just another name for parallel compression.

Just a quick tip on compression this works with any compressor really, drop the threshold as low as it will go and increase the ratio to inf. Then start setting your attack and get a really nice sharp attack set, adjust your release to suite, then raise the threshold so your ‘tickeling’ the gain reduction meter, then set your threshold, just lower it till it sounds right. Then turn your compressor on and off to set the gain. Make sure the volume isn’t too drastically different with the comp on and off. Lastly you can mess about with the knee and different compression types of your comp allows the editing of those things of course. Hope this helps a bit. Also one thing I’ve noticed is everyone is always talking about good synth presets to start off with or layer or tweak. You should realize pretty much every vst, wether it’s a synth or a spectral analyser will come with some presets. This includes compressors and eq’s so you could try a few presets atleast as a starting point :slight_smile:

somebodies been reading “mixing with your mind” :wink:

Haha I just chasing the flame :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]bobby lupo (13/09/2010)[hr]somebodies been reading “mixing with your mind” ;)[/quote]

is it worth getting bobby?

It’s pretty good and has some good tips the only thing is sometimes it is like it’s written by someone who’s just smoked a k of purple haze… Lol.

[quote]UnitedVision (13/09/2010)[hr][quote]bobby lupo (13/09/2010)[hr]somebodies been reading “mixing with your mind” ;)[/quote]

is it worth getting bobby?[/quote]

its an excellent read depending on how far along you are.for example if you have some experience,a decent understanding of things,etc,then it will just make a lot of things really click for you.if youre a total a beginner than ehh i dont know that it would be anything more than a bunch of info you wont grasp,if youre a professional,then there might be a couple of good tips for you at most.