
Hey everyone. I was talking to a friend a while back and we were talking about how he gets inspiration. He pointed to a website that was all about intellectual thinking, of just about everything you can think of. I, as well have become addicted to TED. If you need inspiration and want to get your head moving and some activity in your brain check out the website below and watch the movies. Pick out stuff that interest you. I hope it helps everyone create better ideas in the long run. I would really like to know others thoughts on this. All the best!


That website is pretty cool , lots of stuff to watch and see, very interesting . now about having a mental Block and fixing it depends on many factors.taking long brakes or watching videos sometimes doesnt work .

I went to a seminar where Kerry Chandler explained about how he got his ispirations to make music.he pretty much states that you always have conflictive  reasons to deal in Life.He told us a tragic event that happened in his life and he translated in Music , wich i tought that was awesome to be able to do that.

 ( Music Theory helps alot BTW to try this )

.probably it doesnt make much sense but i Tried and definetly works when i have a mental Block ( most of the time ).

I think that Videos , working out , focusing and balancing your life will bring more emotions and Feelings to express your Music .and that will give you more reasons to translate that in Music and sounds.

I can’t remember who said this but i also heard from a producer as well about this site, (might have been a guest speaker on one of the future music dvds actually now i think about it) who also mentioned this website for inspiration.

I did have a little look before, it’s just really about finding the right resource that’s suited to you, but once you find that, i’m sure it can definitely help, although personally i’ve found no inspiration from the very few videos i’ve watched lol.

Will definitely have to give it a second chance.

Out of curiosity, who was it that told you about this site? I’m wondering if it’s the same person.

I personally find hitting a computer game for a little while helps me, as well as giving me fresh ears when i return. Also listening to other peoples tracks, that helps a lot too.

The biggest inspirations for me is watching top producers in the computer music and future music dvds, i dunno what it is but just watching them work, talking and showing you what they’re doing in their tracks really spurs all sorts of creative ideas for me.

My best friend Robby told me about Interesting enough he works for Josh Gabriel and Josh mentioned it in the SA interview.

[quote]howiegroove (1/22/2010)[hr]My best friend Robby told me about Interesting enough he works for Josh Gabriel and Josh mentioned it in the SA interview.[/quote]

That’s the one! That’s where I seen it, the SA interview with Josh Gabriel! :smiley:

Nice one.

Thanks for sharing Howie i have been in the past hour just checking the website and it got tons of  fun stuff.

definetly a must have it

i find the thing that gives me mental block is inexperience and been unable to implement my ideas i,ve bags of ideas i just dont know how to put them to practise lol

thanks for the heads up howie i’ll give the site a look tomorrow when i’ve more time

ps…roben i know what you mean when things get to much for me i find a call of duty modern warfare 2 break helps loads lol

good site howie, gonna check it out when i get home:)