I tried to figure out what are the instruments exactly. I hear a guitar layered with some kind of synth ? I would really appreciate the help as I am in the middle of an important project. Thanks guys.
I think something like a guitar, a saw synth, a german trumpet and maybe a plucked saw or maybe a eq’d clav or something.
And welcome to the Forum, if you want continued help, you should get active with posts. Always good to have new members to contribute
Thanks for the tip, but couldnt get close with the original. Thanks for the geeting :)
I will have to play around with some sounds tonight, but to me it sounds like a guitar layered with maybe a type of dampened piano. br
Or Maybe use something like massive with a few saw or square waves and fool around with the cutoff envelope so that it sounds like a pluck/stum.
It’s definitely a guitar.