Trying to browse And view videos on my iPad however I only get requests to download flash. if I try to download I get a message saying unable to download the video.
I read that sonic academy is now iPad friendly but I can’t get it working.
is this a known issue your working on?
[quote]G.M.B (23/11/2010)[hr]Trying to browse And view videos on my iPad however I only get requests to download flash. if I try to download I get a message saying unable to download the video.
I read that sonic academy is now iPad friendly but I can’t get it working.
is this a known issue your working on?
we are still converting over the last few videos that do not load up in the ipad, but the majority should still work
simply - pick a course from the training videos section.
then choose the video you want to watch - a new window will open with a video that will now play.
The window opens however it gives an error that the video format is not suported? I’ve tried with many different videos and the results are always the same the video seems to load then gives an error. Very frustrated as I want to watch from my iPad. Please help
On second try some videos do work just not the ones I’m interested in watching. I’ll guess I have to wait till they’re all coverted. Any eta on when that will be?
[quote]G.M.B (29/11/2010)[hr]On second try some videos do work just not the ones I’m interested in watching. I’ll guess I have to wait till they’re all coverted. Any eta on when that will be?:)[/quote]
the conversion will continue this week.
everything should be converted by the new year at the latest
This is why i cant stand Steve Jobs… sorry, just wanted to vent a little