iPad2 contest or Facebook Marketing?

Sorry fellas, I just can’t bring myself to ever associate with Facebook for many reasons that aren’t necessarily appropriate to mention here. I know it’s like the best thing going for exposure, but I’d rather leave any tip I find HERE in the forums or privately between myself and other PAYING members that frequent the site.

I’m not giving Zuckerberg ONE IOTA of information about myself. I’d rather not have the iPad than succumb to the mainstream.


[quote]JamieinNC (01/04/2011)[hr]Sorry fellas, I just can’t bring myself to ever associate with Facebook for many reasons that aren’t necessarily appropriate to mention here. I know it’s like the best thing going for exposure, but I’d rather leave any tip I find HERE in the forums or privately between myself and other PAYING members that frequent the site.

I’m not giving Zuckerberg ONE IOTA of information about myself. I’d rather not have the iPad than succumb to the mainstream.



[quote]Subject 1 (31/03/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (31/03/2011)[hr]Least I have the ipad mini! :D[/quote]

Now get 3 more and do this and you have an ipad[/quote]


Exactly…I dunno put tips on a facebook page which I can read for free when I paid to read them here…hmmm…lemme think…

I know, if I had enough spare coin to buy a gold pass here I probably have enough spare coin to just buy the thing…

Ok, rant over…

Seriously, if you want a real viral marketing plan, then play to your strengths–put some of the free “intro” videos up on YouTube with a promo spot at the end of them…that’s the golden ticket to this site–it the content, not some blurb like “tip: just be yourself” or “tip: turn on your computer, hit the record button, stop when you’re done jamming…come back and edit”.


What’s cool about Sonic Academy is the content. If you really want a contest worthy of SA, promote creating music–have people submit tracks they made using a tutorial. In fact, why not make a contest tut that’s got clips from your tech tips and some sample audio that are required in the piece?

Just saying…isn’t that the whole point of this site…to make music?

Are people suppose to supply a tech tip or cliche tips lol because i see alot of those, none that can be made into a tech tip. well i left my support on the ones i like good luck :confused:

Isn’t everything on the web some form of promotion or other? It’s all a scam but as Dale used to say, “you’ve got to be in it to win it” :wink:

I have added my tip, and it is clearly the best. So why not just give it a quick like :wink:

(I feel a bit dirty now, but I don’t care)

i don’t know what you people keep moaning about!

it only helps build our Loving Sonic family…

…so can you now all go and ‘like’ my tip :stuck_out_tongue:

Tech tip video submissions via youtube would have been a wicked idea and much better than text tips that just end up getting lost on the wall.

[quote]Roben (01/04/2011)[hr]Tech tip video submissions via youtube would have been a wicked idea and much better than text tips that just end up getting lost on the wall.[/quote]

not everybody has a microphone or the means to record their own tech tip.

it was something we considered and will be doing in the near future once our User Generated Content section is running though.

regarding all these tips - the idea was to collect them all and make a massive tech tip post for our first post in a new Tips & Tricks forum section which you will all be able to participate in.


can everyone please stop whinging . it’s only a bit of fun, a bit of marketing / promotion and all you have to do is help promote our website. if you don’t want to then

FINE. be that way. see if i care.

seriously though. if you don’t want to enter so be it, but there are other people here that do want to enter and take part in it. any more unnecessary moaning and ill just close the thread.

Sorry if i’ve come across as moaning, i’m not, only discussing.


Hey man, I just read this from the subscriber forums…

[quote]Normal service will resume with some stuff coming out next week and continue as before on a regular basis.

So thanks again for all your support and i hope we can continue together to keep this the best music tutorial site around.


Phil & Bry[/quote]

So I should cut you guys some slack–I appreciate you putting time into making this site better. Your branding is so strong I thought of SonicAcademy as a big company instead of a two man shop.

Also, and I mean this in friendly way, I would suggest not warning people you will censor a thread you disagree with. The internet Facebook and Twitter in particular have been used around the world to get around censorship and I would hate for your good will to back fire because someone got pissed.

Anyway, my two cents…and good luck on the contest

[quote]Roben (01/04/2011)[hr]Sorry if i’ve come across as moaning, i’m not, only discussing.


i wasn’t having a crack at you it was just a general ‘everyone take a chill pill’


im not censoring anything. the forums are here for you guys to come on and talk shop. it gets tedious and is of no use to anyone when a thread just turns into one big moan. - maybe ill not close it, and just move it to off topic if it gets out of hand.

we could just of easily launched the comp for ‘sign up today and be in with a chance’

but we did it this way to get our name out there a bit more and to get something useful out of it for everyone else - (that being a bunch of tips plopped into the new forum section)

as you say we are a two man band - and we’re trying to create a bit of buzz. stop slagging at the bells attached to my feet!


I am expecting the next tech tip to be on how to simultaneously play all those instruments and record them into Ableton:smooooth:

[quote]bryan spence (01/04/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (01/04/2011)[hr]


can everyone please stop whinging . it’s only a bit of fun


Never! This is SA and we will moan about anything, even if it’s great… for we are the SA forum massive!

To be honest I think it’s a good idea! It’s totally open to abuse but who gives a flying one? You’ll get a whole bunch more followers on Facebook and hopefully get the name around a bit more. More subscribers = more content. More content = more BJ’s (when I finally finish a track, make millions and start my tour)